Tour de Dung #1

After Mason Lake #1 looked to be a crash-fest (forecast was rainy, with winds > 25mph - turned out to be sunny and great), I drug myself out to Tour de Dung for my first Pacific NW race.

Turned out, Pacific NW courses tend to not have a lot of corners, which I really, really appreciate. The race was delayed for a bit due to snow, but by the time the race rolled around, the course was only a bit wet, and pretty warm.

I covered attacks for the first lap or so, and at some point in the second lap, a single guy from Lenovo got away. There were only about 35 people in the field, and between 12 and 14 of the riders in the field were from Wines of Washington. So when he got away with about 30-ish miles to go, everyone was sort of looking to them to chase. For some reason, they didn’t, at all. The Lenovo rider continued to gain time over the rest of the race, and the rest of the field just sat in and waited for the sprint.

At the end, Randy and I were at the back of the pack with 200m to go. Randy moved up along the gutter in a hurry, and we took 1st and 2nd in the field sprint (2nd and 3rd overall). In other words, Randy is fantastic moving up in a pack.

All in all, it ended up being an extremely easy race. I never really felt like I worked very hard at any point in the race - I really wish I had seen the Lenovo rider go so I could get in some hard miles out front with him.


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